Tom Steffen discussed Narrative Theology, emphasizing the importance of viewing Scripture as a collection of stories that shape our understanding of God. He explored different theological perspectives and the impact of oral and written mediums on interpreting Scripture. The narrative approach aims to provide a holistic understanding of God’s message, challenging traditional views of Scripture.
Steffen also touched on the evolution of theological movements and the significance of incorporating storytelling in theological studies. Ultimately, he advocated for embracing the narrative elements of the Bible to gain a deeper insight into God’s intentions and teachings.
Daniel, Jay, and Joshua followed up with a discussion of Paul’s approach to narrative theology in the letter to the church in Rome. Charles Madinger brought it all together and challenged the participants to apply it in their respective ministries.
Read the related journal article and Tom’s book, Narrative Theology.
Check out further resources about narrative theology and download the slides used in the presentation at OralityResources.International.
Check out more resources on Narrative on GOMAP and corresponding training materials at Orality.Academy.
Dr. Tom Steffen is professor emeritus of intercultural studies at Biola University. He and his family spent fifteen years in the Philippines with New Tribes, and is one of the pioneers of Chronological Bible Storying. Tom authored numerous books about church multiplication, orality, honor shame, and business as mission. His latest titles are The Return of Oral Hermeneutics and Character Theology.
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