What are local arts? Why should we consider them for praise and mission? How does one effectively utilize them to proclaim God’s truth and communicate His love to others? Deborah and David, artists and ethnodoxologists, share their stories and insights of how they weave music and songs, movement and dances, color and fabric, and other artistic forms in their ministry and worship. The discussion of this webinar demonstrates that using our God-given creativity through the arts multiplies the impact of the kingdom message.
Read the related journal article.
More research on Arts on GOMAP and corresponding training materials at Orality.Academy.
Younhee Kim is an arts in mission practitioner from Seoul, South Korea. As an ethnodoxologist and arts facilitator, she loves to see people use their arts and artistic expressions for worship and God’s Kingdom. So she encourages local people to be creative and to utilize their talents and local arts biblically and culturally appropriate in their context. She is a visual artist, who has studied fashion and enjoys taking photos of hidden beauties in everyday life.
David Oluseyi Ige is a worship leader and a cross-cultural missionary. He is deeply committed to seeing nations worship the Lord in their unique and indigenous ways. He is an Arts Advocate and coordinates the Worship from the nation’s initiative, a Declare Global Outreach Mission project that seeks to produce 1000 indigenous songs, 300 music videos, and 100 evangelistic films for 100 unreached people groups in the Sahel of West Africa. He has a Master’s in world arts from Dallas International University.
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